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Aug 5, 2022

How to Setup ESLint and Prettier



Install and setup ESLint

First we need to install eslint with one of these commands:

  # npm user's:
  npm install -D eslint

  # yarn user's
  yarn add eslint

After the install we need to setup ESLint, to do that we need to create a config file:

  # npm user's:
  npx eslint --init

  # yarn user's
  yarn eslint --init

This will use ESLint config assistance which will start doing some questions:

How would you like to use ESLint?

What type of module does your project use?

Which framework does your project use?

Does your project use TypeScript?

Where does your code run?
(Press space to select, a to toggle all, i to invert selection)

this is due to im using Next.js for the project, otherwise if yo have a front-end project only use browser, and if its a back-end project use node

Use a popular style guide or Answer questions about you style

Which style guide do you want to follow?

What format do you want your config file to be in?

After that our ESLint config file should be in the root of the project named as: .eslint.json Now if you want to use it you can execute:

  # npm user's:
  npx eslint filename
  # npx eslint src/main.tsx

  # yarn user's
  yarn run eslint filename
  # yarn run eslint src/main.tsx

The command will run eslint to find problems in you code, and will give you the option to fix those problems by adding the flag --fix at the end of the previous command

  # npm user's:
  npx eslint filename --fix
  # npx eslint src/main.tsx --fix

  # yarn user's
  yarn run eslint filename --fix
  # yarn run eslint src/main.tsx --fix

We can improve this by install the ESLint extension for VSCode, this extension will give you instant UI feedback in your VSCode editor instead of running the command every time you want to check a file.

If you are using the ESLint extension, it will start to highlight the errors in your code, in this case is because the import React from 'react' is missing, but since im in next.js is no needed, even on Vite doesn't needed as well.

eslint error

In this cases we have to options:

Disable the rule for that line or document

You just need to put the cursor on the error and it will show you a box dialog with an option called Quick Fix, this option will show you how to fix it

eslint fix

Modify the config file

Each rules can take one of three values:

So you can add the following rules in the ESLint config .eslintrc.json file at it will fix the CamelCase error.

  "rules": {
    "react/jsx-uses-react": "off",
    "react/react-in-jsx-scope": "off"

The names of the rules you may want to disable or modify, will appear in the box dialog as you can see in the previous image.

But for this particular case we can use a better approach if you are using the new JSX transform from React 17 which is extending the react/jsx-runtime rule in the ESLint config file.

The way you can do it is adding the plugin into the "extends" in the .eslintrc.json config file:

  "extends": [

Heres the list of rules for Standard style guide

Install and setup Prettier

To install prettier run:

  # npm user's:
  npm install --save-dev --save-exact prettier

  # yarn user's
  yarn add --dev --exact prettier

After install prettier you can the following command will show you in the console how the format should be

  # npm user's:
  npx prettier fileName
  # example: npx prettier pages/index.tsx

  # yarn user's
  yarn prettier fileName
  # example: yarn prettier pages/index.tsx

You can copy and overwrite the file or run the next command in order to re-write the file according to prettier format suggestion:

  # npm user's:
  npx prettier fileName --write
  # example: npx prettier pages/index.tsx --write

  # yarn user's
  yarn prettier fileName --write
  # example: yarn prettier pages/index.tsx --write

But this may cause errors due to ESLint will highlight the semicolons as errors and prettier don't, also ESLint will highlight singles quotes and prettier don't, an so on.
For that reason we need to create a prettier config file

  echo {}> .prettierrc.json

Prettier already provide a list with all the options you can customize.

What we can do is just add our rules in the prettierrc.json according with prettier options

Here's my .prettierrc.json config file that can be used as guidance:

  "useTabs": true,
  "singleQuote": true,
  "jsxSingleQuote": true,
  "trailingComma": "all",
  "arrowParens": "avoid"

After this it will be a conflict between ESLint and Prettier persist, but can be easily fix by installing a package:

  # npm user's:
  npm i -D eslint-config-prettier

  # yarn user's
  yarn add --dev eslint-config-prettier

And after that, we can added to the ESLint config file under the extends section, it will looks like this and this will preserve prettier rules instead of ESLint rules:


	"extends": [

One more extra tip you can do is enable the format on save option from VSCode, this allows you to apply in an automate way the proper format changes a soon as you save the file.

To do that go to settings > search bar > format on save > enable the check box

Setup script in package.json - (optional)

Not every person use VSCode, and if they use it not all the VSCode users have the same extensions installed, If that's the case, we can add some scripts to the package.json, so they just need to run the scripts in order to format the code or find errors.

The package.json will looks like this:

with next.js


  "scripts": {
    "dev": "next dev",
    "build": "next build",
    "start": "next start",
    "format": "prettier --write .",
    "lint": "eslint --fix . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx"

with vite


  "scripts": {
    "dev": "vite",
    "build": "vite build",
    "preview": "vite preview",
    "format": "prettier --write .",
    "lint": "eslint --fix . --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx"

By default running the scripts it will overwrite the Dist folder, and we don't want that. So we need to add 2 extra files named as: .prettierignore , .eslintignore

So add a prettierignore file:

echo {}> .prettierignore
echo {}> .eslintignore

And add the following line in the .prettierignore file:

  package-lock.json #if you use npm you should this line too

And add the following line in the .eslintignore file:


After that if you try to run the script yarn run lint or npm run lint, you will se a warning message saying:

React version not specified in eslint-plugin-react

To fix that, we can add in eslintrc.json file:

  	"settings": {
		"react": {
      "version": "detect"

And that's all!